All productsBest Selling ProductsGlenmorangieNewest ProductsWhiskey
Glenmorangie A Tale Of Tokyo 東京物語單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌
Glenmorangie A Tale Of Tokyo是一款充滿迷人感官對比的高地單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌,完美捕捉了東京多元感官體驗的精髓。這款限量版威士忌由首席釀酒師比爾·魯姆薩姆博士精心打造,首次嘗試使用稀有的日本水楢木桶陳釀。
Glenmorangie A Tale Of Tokyo是"Tale of"系列的第四款作品,靈感源自東京這座充滿活力的城市,為品酩者帶來一場令人難忘的感官之旅。
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Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 13%Sangrain Minocho Akuri かすみ Raw Sake is a seasonal brewed by Orine Shuzo This limited-edition sake uses high-quality Omachi rice. Omachi...
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Macallan Reflexion is a bold and full-bodied single malt whisky with an intense natural color. As part of The Macallan Masters Decanter Series, Reflexion...
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Unique CraftsmanshipThe Dalmore 12 Year Old Sherry Cask Select showcases the perfect union between Scotland and Spain. This whisky is meticulously crafted, blending tradition...
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Juyondai Banshu Aiyama Jyosohaku Junmai Daiginjo is produced by Takagi Shuzo in Yamagata Prefecture. With a history spanning over 400 years, Takagi Shuzo perfectly...
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"Juyondai Sakamirai Jyosohaku" is produced by Takagi Shuzo in Yamagata Prefecture. With a history spanning over 400 years, Takagi Shuzo perfectly combines traditional craftsmanship...
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"Juyondai Ryunootoshigo Jyosohaku" is a premium Japanese sake produced by Takagi Shuzo in Yamagata Prefecture. Takagi Shuzo is renowned for its "Juyondai" series and...
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Meiri Taiyaki Flavor Liqueur from Japan uses select red beans from Tokachi City, Hokkaido, carefully blending the sweetness of high-quality red bean paste with...
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Tasting CharacteristicsElegant and noble aroma Clear and smooth, sweet flavor Long-lasting aftertaste that leaves you wanting more Ingredients and Production Uses the purple sweet...
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Using 30ml of base liquor mixed with soda water in a 1:3 ratio can make 10 glasses of lemon sour!Explore Lemon-dou's latest creation—Homemade Special...
All productsBest Selling ProductsNewest Products清酒 Sake
Volume: 1800mlCategory: JunmaishuRice: MiyamanishikiRice polishing ratio: 55%Alcohol: 16%Sake meter value: +10Acidity: 1.6 In the heart of Yamagata Prefecture's Shonai Plain, nestled in the city...
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Indulge in the exquisite craftsmanship of "Kamoshibito Kuheiji Human Yamada Nishiki Junmai Daiginjo," a premium sake that exemplifies the pinnacle of Japanese brewing artistry....
All productsBest Selling ProductsJohnnie WalkerNewest ProductsWhiskey
Johnnie Walker King George V是Johnnie Walker旗下的一款頂級蘇格蘭威士忌。這款威士忌是為了紀念英國國王喬治五世於1934年授予尊尼獲加皇家認證而推出的。
King George V使用了來自蘇格蘭多個地區的稀有威士忌,包括一些已停產酒廠的珍貴陳年酒液。其中最著名的是來自Port Ellen酒廠的威士忌,該酒廠已於1983年關閉。
作為尊尼獲加的頂級產品之一,King George V的價格相當昂貴,定位高端奢侈品市場。它通常被視為收藏和饋贈的佳品,也是品鑒蘇格蘭威士忌歷史的絕佳選擇。
All productsBest Selling ProductsBrandyBrandy - BannerMartellNewest Products
馬爹利XO:三個世紀的卓越傳承 在法國干邑地區,有一個名字始終與卓越品質和悠久傳統緊密相連——馬爹利(Martell)。創立於1715年的馬爹利酒廠,見證了近三個世紀的歷史變遷,而其中的佼佼者——馬爹利XO,更是集結了品牌三百多年來的精湛工藝和不懈追求。 Martell XO的誕生,源於對完美的不懈追求。釀酒大師精心挑選來自Grande Champagne和Borderies產區的頂級葡萄,通過傳統的雙重蒸餾工藝,萃取出最純粹的酒精精華。這些珍貴的原酒隨後被小心翼翼地存放在法國橡木桶中,經過10到35年的漫長等待,才最終成就這款令人讚歎的佳釀。 當你輕輕搖晃酒杯,深邃的琥珀金色液體在燈光下閃耀,彷彿在訴說著時光的故事。將杯子湊近鼻尖,濃郁的乾果香氣撲面而來,無花果、杏仁的甜美中夾雜著肉桂和檀香的溫暖,還有一絲若有若無的烤麵包香,層次豐富,令人陶醉。 品嚐的那一刻,絲滑的口感首先撫慰了味蕾,隨即是一場味覺的盛宴。初始的果乾甜美很快過渡到堅果的醇厚,接著是複雜的香料風味在口中綻放。最後,橡木和淡淡的煙燻味在唇齒間縈繞,餘韻悠長,讓人回味無窮。 Martell XO不僅是一款卓越的佳釀,其優雅的包裝設計更是藝術品般的存在。拱形的瓶身彰顯尊貴,金色的標籤上印有馬爹利家族的徽章,每一個細節都在訴說著品牌的驕傲與自信。 馬爹利XO不僅是一款卓越的佳釀,其優秀品質更是在國際舞台上獲得廣泛認可。這款干邑在眾多權威評比中屢獲殊榮,彰顯了其非凡的品質與地位。以下是其部分獎項: Gold Medal at the San Francisco World Spirits CompetitionDouble Gold Medal at the International...
All productsBest Selling ProductsBrandyBrandy - BannerNewest ProductsRemy Martin
Rémy Martin XO 是Remy Martin酒窖大師的代表作,他以專業知識調和數百種生命之水(eaux-de-vie)。他的混合技藝讓我們能夠展現這款 XO 干邑的全方位芳香複雜性。 歷史與傳承Rémy Martin 創立於1724年,致力於製作至高無上的蒸餾酒。1738年,法國國王路易十五授予 Rémy Martin 獨家權利種植新的葡萄園,並以此命名了 Rémy Martin 1738。這款酒由當時的酒窖大師 Georges Clot 開發,擁有豪華的外觀、平衡的口感,以及圓潤豐富的風味。2014年,Rémy Martin 1738 在舊金山世界烈酒競賽中獲得雙金獎。 特色風味Rémy Martin...
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Cragganmore 30 Year Old 1989 - Sar Obair Decanter (Kingsbury) WhiskyThis exquisite Cragganmore single malt whisky is a rare gem from the renowned independent...
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Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 43% Hibiki Japanese Harmony is a whiskey in Suntory's extremely popular Hibiki series. It represents the pinnacle of Japanese whiskey blending...
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Alcohol: 46%Volume: 700mlThis single malt whisky is blended exclusively from malt whiskies produced at the Fuji Gotemba Distillery, allowing you to savor the beauty...
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The rice used is Yamada Nishiki and Anao Kazuo Town produced in Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture. Rice polishing steps: Yamada Nishiki 20%, Anao 20%,...