MASAHIRO OKINAWA GIN Recipe 02 日本沖繩手工Gin 盒裝 700ml quick view

MASAHIRO OKINAWA GIN Recipe 02 日本沖繩手工Gin 盒裝 700ml

$698.00 $568.00
All products Best Selling Products Gin Japanese handmade GIN gin Masahiro Newest Products
容量: 700ml酒精度: 52%已停產「駒ヶ岳單一麥芽威士忌IPA桶陳釀」是一款在南信州啤酒駒ヶ岳釀造廠使用大量啤酒花釀造的中色印度淡色艾爾啤酒(IPA)空桶中完成後期熟成的單一麥芽威士忌。這款威士忌帶有啤酒花衍生的清新柑橘和草本香氣,以及類似葡萄柚和橙子的清澈甜味,並有著爽口的苦澀餘韻,非常適合調製成高球飲用,是一款調和性極佳的威士忌。類型: 日本威士忌, 單一麥芽威士忌原材料: 麥芽原料產地: 日本產桶型: 波旁威士忌主酒桶(額外陳釀:南信州啤酒IPA酒桶)酒廠: Mars Komagatake マルス駒ヶ岳蒸溜所製造者 Honbo Sake Brewery Co. Ltd. + M
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Masahiro Bartender's Batch 2020 Japanese Craft Gin 日本沖繩手工GIN酒調酒師精選 700ml Masahiro Bartender's Batch 2020 Japanese Craft Gin 日本沖繩手工GIN酒調酒師精選 700ml quick view

Masahiro Bartender's Batch 2020 Japanese Craft Gin Bartender's Selection of Okinawa Handmade GIN 700ml

$680.00 $558.00
All products Best Selling Products Gin Japanese handmade GIN gin Masahiro Newest Products
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 47% Craft gin carefully brewed by Japan's well-known Masahiro distillery. This limited-edition gin was created in collaboration with the head bartender...
MASAHIRO OKINAWA GIN Recipe 01 日本沖繩手工Gin 盒裝 700ml MASAHIRO OKINAWA GIN Recipe 01 日本沖繩手工Gin 瓶裝 700ml quick view

MASAHIRO OKINAWA GIN Recipe 01 Japanese Okinawa handmade Gin bottle 700ml

$698.00 $478.00
All products Best Selling Products Gin Japanese handmade GIN gin Masahiro Newest Products
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 47%How to make Okinawa ginInspired by the tradition and culture of Okinawa , Masahiro Distillery decided to use the distillation technology...

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根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.