Suntory Brandy VSOP 瓶裝 700/720ml quick view

Suntory Brandy VSOP Bottle 700/720ml

$538.00 $328.00
All products Best Selling Products Brandy Brandy - Banner Gather to celebrate the Year of the Dragon with limited time offers hot deals Japanese Brandy Newest Products Suntory Suntory
Capacity: 700/720mlAlcohol content: 40/43%"Suntory Brandy VSOP" is produced by Suntory, a well-known Japanese spirits manufacturer High-end brandy produced by the company. VSOP (Very Special/Superior...
Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 700ml 藍帶馬爹利 盒裝 Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 700ml 藍帶馬爹利 盒裝 quick view

Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 700ml

$1,780.00 $1,388.00
All products Best Selling Products Brandy - Banner Clearance drastically reduced Martell Newest Products
Capacity: 700ml Alcohol content: 40% Martell Cordon Bleu is endowed with a wonderful mellow taste and rich aroma, making it a legendary Cognac. Martell...
Remy Martin X.O. 700ml 人頭馬XO干邑 Remy Martin X.O. 700ml 人頭馬XO干邑 quick view

Remy Martin X.O. 700ml 人頭馬XO干邑

$1,680.00 $1,478.00
All products Best Selling Products Brandy Brandy - Banner Newest Products Remy Martin
Rémy Martin XO 是Remy Martin酒窖大師的代表作,他以專業知識調和數百種生命之水(eaux-de-vie)。他的混合技藝讓我們能夠展現這款 XO 干邑的全方位芳香複雜性。 歷史與傳承Rémy Martin 創立於1724年,致力於製作至高無上的蒸餾酒。1738年,法國國王路易十五授予 Rémy Martin 獨家權利種植新的葡萄園,並以此命名了 Rémy Martin 1738。這款酒由當時的酒窖大師 Georges Clot 開發,擁有豪華的外觀、平衡的口感,以及圓潤豐富的風味。2014年,Rémy Martin 1738 在舊金山世界烈酒競賽中獲得雙金獎。 特色風味Rémy Martin...
島梟 十勝白蘭地 北海道熟成30年 700ml 島梟 十勝白蘭地 北海道熟成30年 700ml quick view

Shima Owl Tokachi Brandy Hokkaido Aged 30 Years 700ml

$2,988.00 $1,798.00
All products Best Selling Products Brandy Brandy - Banner Japanese Brandy Newest Products OLD AND RARE
Shima Owl Tokachi Brandy, aged for 30 years in Hokkaido, is a precious Japanese brandy carefully brewed by Shima Obi, Hokkaido, Kokubu. This brandy...
神戶15年熟成 SUPREME Kobe Brandy 750ml 神戶15年熟成 SUPREME Kobe Brandy 750ml quick view

Kobe 15 Years Mature SUPREME Kobe Brandy 750ml

$1,998.00 $1,528.00
All products Best Selling Products Brandy Brandy - Banner Japanese Brandy Kobe Brandy Newest Products
Capacity: 750mlAlcohol content: 45%Kobe 15-year-aged SUPREME Kobe Brandy is made by using Kobe wine as raw material in the same process as brandy The...
神戶福與香12年白蘭地 500ml 神戶福與香12年白蘭地 500ml quick view

Kobe Fukuyoka 12-year-old brandy 500ml

All products Best Selling Products Brandy Brandy - Banner Japanese Brandy Kobe Brandy Newest Products
Alcohol content: 50%Capacity: 500mlFrom growing grapes, distilling, aging and bottling, they are all 100% from Japan, fully demonstrated Bring out the unique flavor of...
島梟 十勝白蘭地 1989原酒 盒裝 700ml 島梟 十勝白蘭地 1989原酒 盒裝 700ml quick view

Island Owl Tokachi Brandy 1989 Original Liquor Boxed 700ml

All products Best Selling Products Brandy Brandy - Banner Japanese Brandy Newest Products
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 60%Shimao Tokachi 1989 is a classic brandy produced by Kokubu Hokkaido Dao Xiao is carefully crafted, and its specially selected original...
Mars白蘭地寶劍 16 年 MARS BRANDY HOKEN AGED 16 YEARS 375ml 宝剣 quick view


$980.00 $788.00
All products Best Selling Products Brandy Brandy - Banner Japanese Brandy Latest Product Newest Products
Capacity: 375mlAlcohol content: 58%Production quantity: 7,300 copiesDiscontinuedThis was distilled at the Mars Shinshu Distillery in Yamanashi Prefecture in February 2000, and was distilled in...
Suntory Brandy XO Deluxe 瓶裝 700ml quick view

Suntory Brandy XO Deluxe Bottle 700ml

$680.00 $488.00
All products Best Selling Products Brandy Brandy - Banner Japanese Brandy Newest Products Suntory Suntory
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 40%Suntory Brandy XO Deluxe is a high-end brandy owned by Suntory Company. XO stands for "Extra Old" , meaning that this...
Nikka Brandy XO Deluxe White Bottle 660ml Nikka Brandy XO Deluxe 白瓶 瓶裝 660ml quick view

Nikka Brandy XO Deluxe White Bottle 660ml

$780.00 $638.00
All products Best Selling Products Brandy Brandy - Banner Japanese Brandy Newest Products Nikka
Nikka Brandy XO Deluxe is a top brandy launched by Nikka, a well-known Japanese spirits manufacturer. XO, the abbreviation of "Extra Old", means that...
Martell XO 700ml 馬爹利 Martell XO 700ml 馬爹利 quick view

Martell XO 700ml 馬爹利

All products Best Selling Products Brandy Brandy - Banner Martell Newest Products
馬爹利XO:三個世紀的卓越傳承 在法國干邑地區,有一個名字始終與卓越品質和悠久傳統緊密相連——馬爹利(Martell)。創立於1715年的馬爹利酒廠,見證了近三個世紀的歷史變遷,而其中的佼佼者——馬爹利XO,更是集結了品牌三百多年來的精湛工藝和不懈追求。 Martell XO的誕生,源於對完美的不懈追求。釀酒大師精心挑選來自Grande Champagne和Borderies產區的頂級葡萄,通過傳統的雙重蒸餾工藝,萃取出最純粹的酒精精華。這些珍貴的原酒隨後被小心翼翼地存放在法國橡木桶中,經過10到35年的漫長等待,才最終成就這款令人讚歎的佳釀。 當你輕輕搖晃酒杯,深邃的琥珀金色液體在燈光下閃耀,彷彿在訴說著時光的故事。將杯子湊近鼻尖,濃郁的乾果香氣撲面而來,無花果、杏仁的甜美中夾雜著肉桂和檀香的溫暖,還有一絲若有若無的烤麵包香,層次豐富,令人陶醉。 品嚐的那一刻,絲滑的口感首先撫慰了味蕾,隨即是一場味覺的盛宴。初始的果乾甜美很快過渡到堅果的醇厚,接著是複雜的香料風味在口中綻放。最後,橡木和淡淡的煙燻味在唇齒間縈繞,餘韻悠長,讓人回味無窮。 Martell XO不僅是一款卓越的佳釀,其優雅的包裝設計更是藝術品般的存在。拱形的瓶身彰顯尊貴,金色的標籤上印有馬爹利家族的徽章,每一個細節都在訴說著品牌的驕傲與自信。 馬爹利XO不僅是一款卓越的佳釀,其優秀品質更是在國際舞台上獲得廣泛認可。這款干邑在眾多權威評比中屢獲殊榮,彰顯了其非凡的品質與地位。以下是其部分獎項: Gold Medal at the San Francisco World Spirits CompetitionDouble Gold Medal at the International...
Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 700ml 藍帶馬爹利 盒裝 Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 700ml 藍帶馬爹利 盒裝 quick view

Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 1000ml 藍帶馬爹利 盒裝

$2,400.00 $1,880.00
All products Best Selling Products Brandy - Banner Clearance drastically reduced Martell Newest Products
容量: 700ml 酒精度: 40% 馬爹利藍帶被賦予了美妙的醇厚口感與豐富的芳香,讓它成為一款傳奇干邑。馬爹利藍帶干邑採用高比例的邊緣區生命之水,其中香甜的香料、薑餅和烘烤過的可可豆所帶來的滑順口感,釋出了焦糖化的風味。色澤呈現深沉的金銅色,香氣圓滑而複雜。有鮮花和香料氣味,予人優雅和精煉的感覺。口感順滑而圓潤。由於長期的陳化,水果和橡木的氣味濃郁,餘韻雅致。寶德區(Borderies)的「生命之水」地位優越,賦予了干邑口感複雜和芳醇的個性特質。

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