Johnnie Walker Special 1820 Blend Scotch Whisky 700ml quick view

Johnnie Walker Special 1820 Blend Scotch Whiskey 700ml

$1,880.00 $1,568.00
All products Best Selling Products Johnnie Walker Newest Products Whiskey
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 40%This rare Johnnie Walker is a product of the brand celebrating its origins in 1820, and was only launched in the...
Johnnie Walker and Son King George V 2023新年限定 quick view

Johnnie Walker and Son King George V 2023新年限定

$6,300.00 $4,988.00
All products Best Selling Products Johnnie Walker Newest Products Whiskey
  Johnnie Walker King George V是Johnnie Walker旗下的一款頂級蘇格蘭威士忌。這款威士忌是為了紀念英國國王喬治五世於1934年授予尊尼獲加皇家認證而推出的。 King George V使用了來自蘇格蘭多個地區的稀有威士忌,包括一些已停產酒廠的珍貴陳年酒液。其中最著名的是來自Port Ellen酒廠的威士忌,該酒廠已於1983年關閉。 這款威士忌以其豐富複雜的風味著稱,帶有煙燻、水果、香料等多層次口感。它採用獨特的水晶瓶包裝,瓶身刻有喬治五世的簽名。 作為尊尼獲加的頂級產品之一,King George V的價格相當昂貴,定位高端奢侈品市場。它通常被視為收藏和饋贈的佳品,也是品鑒蘇格蘭威士忌歷史的絕佳選擇。 包裝設計:採用獨特的水晶瓶設計,瓶身刻有喬治五世的簽名瓶蓋為金色,象徵其尊貴地位每瓶都配有精美的禮盒,適合收藏和饋贈
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Scotch Whisky 尊尼獲加藍牌調和威士忌 盒裝 750ml Johnnie Walker Blue Label Scotch Whisky 尊尼獲加藍牌調和威士忌 盒裝 750ml quick view

Johnnie Walker Blue Label Scotch Whiskey Johnnie Walker Blue Label Blended Whiskey Box 750ml

$1,680.00 $1,250.00
All products Best Selling Products Johnnie Walker New Year Recommendations Newest Products Whiskey
Capacity: 750mlAlcohol content: 40%Johnnie Walker Blue Label Whiskey Limited Edition is a masterpiece of rare and top-quality whiskey. Starting with the unique appearance, the...
舊裝 Johnnie Walker Blue Label Scotch Whisky 尊尼獲加藍牌調和威士忌 天地盒裝 750ml quick view

[Old Pack] Johnnie Walker Blue Label Scotch Whiskey Johnnie Walker Blue Label Blended Whiskey World Box 750ml

All products Best Selling Products Johnnie Walker Newest Products Whiskey
Capacity: 750mlAlcohol content: 40%Johnnie Walker Blue Label Whiskey Limited Edition, a rare and top-quality whiskey Representative work. Starting with the unique appearance, the gift...

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根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.